"Cowbridge Business Club"

The most common question that people thinking of attending of attending a Cowbridge Business Club meeting will have is “why launch another business club”, when so many others exists.

The Cowbridge Business Club firmly believes that business networking can and should be different. The answer to this question is quite simple:

  • Often early morning meetings don’t work for people who have other commitments.
  • Weekly meetings can also prove burdensome, again as people are simply unable to commit to an event of this frequency.
  • Networking groups shouldn’t just be about networking. Every time somebody attends a meeting, they should always leave with some form of tangible benefit. Either the possibility of business or a new skill or piece of information that you can implement in your business today! 
  • The Cowbridge Business Club is looking to establish a support network for local businesses. Businesses that can share ideas and strategies, with the view to helping every business grow and become successful!